Diabetes Management



Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is the most common form of diabetes. It is usually in elderly patients ( >30 years). When you eat any food, it is broken down to sugars (glucose) which is the fuel for our body to function. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas to help absorb blood sugar into the cell. In patients with diabetes, either the body is resistant to the action of insulin or is not producing enough insulin.

Risk Factors

  • Overweight
  • Fat distribution: Higher the waist circumference, the higher is the risk.
  • Family History
  • Ethnicity /race: Indian, African, blacks, Asian American.
  • Age > 45 years: People aged 45 years and above have a higher risk of developing diabetes.
  • Prediabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes or Pregnancy Induced Diabetes
  • PCOS – Polycystic ovary syndrome


Treatment of Diabetes has four important pillars.
  • DIET
Each pillar is of utmost importance and can’t replace the other. E.g., If you exercise daily doesn’t mean you can eat leisurely every day. Also, not feeling uneasy doesn’t mean sugars are controlled. Lifestyle modifications are essential to maintain regular sugar levels. Regular medication and monitoring are needed.


In Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM), the immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the body. These cells are called beta cells. This condition is usually diagnosed in children and young people. Hence it is also called Juvenile Diabetes. Since the body cannot process glucose due to a lack of insulin, there is an increase in glucose (sugar) in the blood. The treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is INSULIN.


Gestational Diabetes or Pregnancy-Induced Diabetes is caused during pregnancy. Typically it develops between 24th to 28th week of gestation. If you develop gestational diabetes while you’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean that you had diabetes before your pregnancy or will have it afterwards. But Gestational Diabetes does raise your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes in the future. One needs to take good care of this as it can lead to complications in a baby like large birth weight (fetal macrosomia), excess water around the baby, higher risk of jaundice after birth. Once you deliver the baby, you no longer have Gestational Diabetes. 

Risk Factors
  • Overweight/obese before pregnancy
  • Family history of diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes in a previous pregnancy
  • Follow the diet plan as advised strictly. It has been suitably made for you and your baby’s need. Stick to home-cooked food as much as possible to avoid infection.
  • Check blood sugar regularly at home using a glucometer as advised by us. Regularly check reports in the lab as needed.
  • Maintain a diary noting the food and blood sugar to guide you by making changes in your food pattern.
  • You need to take insulin as prescribed. We will guide you with this.
  • Do not skip meals if you on insulin as it may cause low blood sugars.
  • Avoid using ayurvedic or any herbal medicine or home remedy.
  • Do not miss appointments with us. It is important to keep a close track of your blood sugar and modify treatment accordingly.